Salamelle, wine and good company. You don't need much more to organise a pic nic.
The first one we organised on the river Oglio has gone really well, with luxury of unforgettable sweets
and photos on the website.
And, because of that typical torpor due to a mix of BBQ meat
in abbondance, a bubbly nice talk, an exchange of experience, ideas
where everybody has had something to say and to take home. In an absolut
wild way. Fine. Why keeping this pleasure all to ourselves? I'd say
that the poor's pic nic has to be repeted and, to live, it doesn't have to present so many rules,
let's just say that we need a few initial conditions:

+ a home or garden
+ nvite a friend that you'd think would be suited
+ something or someone you believe to be intersting
+ music that you want to share with everybody

PROTECT THE ENVIROMENT: no plastic and bring cutlery, glasses, dishes, food for you and
to share with everybody, prearrange with the other so to use only one car
and give a lift to the other attendees.
And we'll see .... 

PICNIC_poor beach, Laura Morelli


Elena Catalfamo
Skype: elekata
facebook: Elena Catalfamo


Spiaggia dei Poveri
Pontoglio Bs

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