art + robot + human being = a chair that walks using a recognizable behavioural model.
A common object that recalls the way that a person with crutches or a prosthesis walks, keeping in mind the victims of land mines. A machine that uses approximation and scarcity of economical means to obtain a recognizable behavioural model by everybody, which is evocative, and which communicates in a profound way to the individual. A machine capable of sustaining itself by approximate mechanical balance and a defined and precise relational behaviour. An artistic object as a catalyzer in the deep sense, both subjective and collective. A project that started in 2002 that has produced a web site, photographs, videos, designs, installations, research and publications, which is made available to any interested associations and institutions.
Conceived by: Laura Morelli, Riccardo Cassinis
Laura Morelli Riccardo Cassinis
skype: associazionedipiu
c (+39) 339 6586454
Dipart. di Electronica e Automazione - Università di Brescia
p (+39) 030 3715453
m (+39) 328 0750952