The public art project a a a a grew through direct contact with the world of Alzheimer’s.

A parallel world that initially generates fear, confusion and pain.

However, when attention moves to the emotional and creative aspects, this world reserves continual surprises, becoming a universe to be discovered.

From here the importance of the direct experience and relationship between patient and family, to discover the existential contents that go beyond the biographical contents.


The artist Laura Morelli asked a group of women without experience with Alzheimer’s to enter into contact with a patient and their family for three months. The objective of these women was to experience the relationship, finding emotional and creative inspiration in order to conceive and develop a project connected to their profession or interests.

A documentary relates this experience.


An open project, coordinated by Laura Morelli, where relations, patients, caregivers, voluntary workers, social operators, and doctors relate points of view, thoughts, or messages on their experience with Alzheimer’s.

An archive of short self produced video messages, created with the technical support of Di + and published online.

A creative space where an idea, a desire, or an inspiration takes shape and is shared, beginning with the subjective experience of Alzheimer’s and becoming common heritage through an online bookshop and a dvd.


They are born from the sensitivity to recycling of Raffaella Chillè ' and Laura Morelli.

They are handmade, unique pieces made with 100% recycled materials.

Fabrics, buttons, old rugs, shoelaces, costume jewelry belonging to ladies from the word of  “A”.

Daughters, mothers, patients, relatives and friend open their home drawers and their personal memory turns into objects to give, exchange, share.

Every brooch/mobile carrier/i-Pod carrier/handbag is a piece of personal history and it is for this reason that each of them bears the name of the person.

At the end of the creative process we organised a party in a private home in which video projections, readings and live music gets mixed with Alzheimer.

For one day private becomes public, trouble becomes shared resource.


The documentary, the idea-film, and the materials collected and elaborated by the people involved in the project are the traces that Laura Morelli composes / utilizes / composes / presents in a contemporary art installation.

The authors / self portrait
a a a a the brooches and their sisters / photo by Raffaella Chillè e Laura Morelli
a a a a the brooches and their sisters / art installation by Laura Morelli for 13° Congresso Nazionale AIP
spot/directed by Laura Morelli and Sara Luraschi
trailer of the performance
video-idea di Luisa / 2014
video-idea by Eugenia / 2012
New video-idea by Volunteer of Cafè Alzheimer of Brembate / Italy 2012
video-idea by p&p / 2012
video-idea by Pino / 2011
video-idea by Sara Cirillo / 2012 with english subtitles
video-idea by Anonymous / 2012
video-idea by Miriam Sigismondi / 2011
video-idea why? / 2011
video-idea by Mario Spreafico / 2011
video-idea by Ornella Spinelli / 2011
video-idea by Ornella Lentini / 2011
video-idea by lawyer Barbara Carsana / 2011
video-idea by Donatella Rossi / 2011
video-idea by Un uomo che ci prova / 2011
threads / love in the time of Alzheimer's / by Raffaella Chillè / 2012
threads / l'enel / by Raffaella Chillè / 2012
threads /in Gleno ward / by Raffaella Chillè / 22.07.2012
threads / dinner with Giuseppina / by Raffaella Chillè / 05.08.20122
threads / dialogue with doctor / by Raffaella Chillè / 29.07.2011

Project by

Laura Morelli / Di + onlus

m (+39) 339 6586454

skype: associazionedipiu 

You Tube


Movies, Videos, Animation

Rughe di Ignacio Ferreras

Memento, directed by Christopher Nolan, with: Guy Pearce, Carrie-Anne Moss, Joe Pantoliano, production: Suzanne Todd e Jennifer Todd, 2000

Iris, directed by Richard Eyre, with: Judi Dench, Kate Winslet, Jim Broadbent, Hungh Bonneville, production: Intermedia, BBC, Miramax, distribution: Mediafilm, 2001


Christa Wolf, Medea. Stimmen, Luchterhand Literaturverlag GmbH, 1996

Tali Sharot, The science of optimismin Time magazine, 6 giugno 2011

Christopher Wilkins, The Horizontal Instrument, 1999

Elisabeth M. Wavle, Voices of Alzheimer's, Lachance Publishing LCP, New York, 2007

Fosco Maraini, Gnòsi delle Fànfole, Baldini Castoldi Dalai, 2007

Monica Follador, io madre di mia suocera, Paoline, 2010

Nucci A. Rota, La bimbamamma, Iuppiter, 2009

Pietro Vigorelli, Il gruppo ABC. Un metodo di autoaiuto per i familiari di malati Alzheimer, Franco Angeli, 2010

Jeremy Rifkin, The age of Empathy, Mondadori, 2010

Renato Bottura, Alzheimer Il sole dietro la nebbia, Guaraldi, 2009

Stefan Merrill Block, The Story of Forgetting, 2007

edited by Nicoletta Leonardi, Feedback Scritti su e di Franco Vaccari, postmedia books, 2007

Ludwing Binswanger, Aby Warburg, La guarigione infinita. Storia clinica di Aby Warburg, Neri Pozzi, 2005

Aurelio Andrighetto, Dario Bellini, Gianluca Codeghini, Elio Grazioli, Warburghiana, Francosoffiantino artecontemporanea, 2005

Martin Suter, Small world, 1997

Nicola Gardini, Lo sconosciuto, Sironi, 2007

Oliver Sacks, The man who misthook his wife for a hat, 1985

Jan Lancashire, Graeme Hirst, Vocabulary change i Agatha Christe's mysteries as an indication of dementia: a case study, University of Toronto, Department of English and Department of Computer Science, 2009

Tahar Ben Jelloum, Mia madre, la mia bambina, Einaudi 2007

Agatha Cristie, Elephants Can Remember, 1985

Fabio Volo, Il giorno in più, Mondandori, 2007


Parole Muteby and with Francesca Vitale, Teatro Filodrammatici, 2008

Promoted by

In collaboration with

Fondazione Casa di Ricovero Santa Maria Ausiliatrice onlus FERB onlus Primo Ascolto Alzheimer Fondazione Humanitas A.I.M.A. Milano onlus

Supported by

A family member of someone with  Alzheimer's  Fondazione Banca Popolare di Bergamo Fondazione MIA Associazione per la ricerca pre-clinica e clinica, la prevenzione e il trattamento delle malattie cardiovascolari

Under the patronage of

L'eco di Bergamo

Thanks to

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