Decalage project
video workshop by Laura Morelli and Sara Luraschi
IISS Majorana Seriate/bg
Duration: 2 years

Safety at work is an increasingly topical subject. Training and awareness-raising on safety are tackled in the workplace with adults who have structured values and behavioural patterns. Anticipating training and adapting it to the sensitivities of adolescents means investing in the future in order to find staff who are more receptive and already trained in the acquisition of safety rules of behaviour.
The double helix structure of DNA is a metaphor for a project that proceeds on two intersecting actions. One helix is the creative production triggered by the emotICON video workshops. The other helix is job security. Through emotional experiences with encounters with people who do a job for which safety is fundamental for safeguarding life, passing through the objects of safety and their relationship with the individual and social body in the workplace, up to real lessons from sector experts borrowed from industry.

photo by Lorenzo Zanchi
frame, video by Elisabetta Toti
frame, video by Gianfranco Rubino
frame, video by Giorgia Corona
frame, video by Davide Spano Greco
frame, video by Caterina
meeting with Romina Foresti / personal experience of domestic violence
frame, video by Luciano Morelli / indoor apnea Italy swimmer
insicurezza, video by Laura Morelli and Sara Luraschi

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Credito Bergamasco foundation IISS Stefano Lupi

Under the patronage of

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