+ From 06/11/2009 to 11/12/2009
+ Project: TRA ME >>>


The first laboratory TRA ME is inserted in a project of close examination on convention O.N.U. on the rights of the infancy and the adolescence and on the violations and negations of the rights of the children and the teen-agers.

The project has the following objectives:

+promoting and making know the convention O.N.U. on the rights of the infancy and the adolescence;

+increasing knowledge about concrete situations of violation of the rights of the infancy and the adolescence and the possible solutions;
+favoring the construction of a didactic approach centered on the rights, with a specific focus about the juvenile job, the worse forms of exploitation of the juvenile job in the world and the proposals of the children and teen-agers workers.

Organized by Celim Bergamo

Via del Coventino 7 Bergamo

laboratory Tra Me:

06.11.2009 hs. 17-18 Laura Morelli

19.11.2009 hs. 17-18 Elena Catalfamo

11.12.2009 hs. 16-18 Laura Morelli, Elena Catalfamo, Giovanni Diffidenti

Recipients: teachers school



Spazio Advocacy & Educazione ai Diritti Umani
Area Educazione, Promozione e Tutela dei Diritti Umani
p (+39) 035 4598500 / f (+39) 035 4598501

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